Pangaea is a collective based in
The Hague (NL) formed in 2022
by Elisa Piazzi and Johannes Equizi.

Pangaea addresses social and environmental issues by combining self-publishing, architectural thinking, speculative and, game design. Participation and co-creation are investigated both as methodologies as well as research topics.

"Have you also become a we?" is a publication presenting a dialogical research on collectivity in the fields of art, design,
and architecture. Page after page, it unfolds into a conversation among various collectives, exploring the nuances of collaboration.
With this research Pangaea seeks to create a space for cross-pollination of knowledge where to explore the meaning of working together. The publication opens with "Patatrac," a fictional conversation inspired by interviews with collectives across Europe. "Peregrines" features in-depth conversations with professionals, while "Breadcrumbs" gathers diverse firsthand contributions.

Pangaea envisioned "Have you also become a we?" as an
open-source tool that can be printed, shared and further elaborated to facilitate conversations on collectivity.
Download the publication at this

Johannes Equizi
Elisa Piazzi
